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Article: Depression in Children and Adolescents
Title of Journal: American Family Physican

Volume: Volume 62 Number 10
Date: 09/15/2000 Page Number(s) ______________

• What organization is responsible for publishing the journal you chose?
The American Academy of Family Physicians

• What is your overall evaluation of this article?

_____Poor ______Fair ____X__Good _______Very Good _____Excellent

• Why did you choose to review this particular article?
This article was assigned

• How would you rate this article as a tool for teaching a student about cardiopulmonary physiology, radiography, or another allied health specialty?

Students: ____Poor ____Fair __X___Good _____Very Good _____Excellent

Teachers: ____Poor ____Fair _____Good ___X__Very Good _____Excellent

Patients: ____Poor ___X_Fair _____Good _____Very Good _____Excellent

• Comment on the readability of this article.
As far as reading the article as a patient, I don't think the readability was that great. A lot of big words were used that the patient or patient's parents would not understand. As a student it was also a little confusing, I was constantly referring back to previous paragraphs to refresh my memory on the things that was already said because the article was kind of random to me. I really enjoyed reading this article and learning new information about child depression. I was unaware of the age group it affected I thought it was predominately in teenagers.

• Course Topics covered:
Childhood depression
Treatment and Side Effects

• Brief Summary:
This article explains the severity of childhood depression, a growing concern in American. It gives percentages of children and adolescents that are found to have depression and the causes that could be related to this issue. It details the types of disorders such as sadness variation, bereavement, sadness problem, adjustment disorder, major depressive disorder, etc. The American Physician Family specifically explains how to diagnosis these disorders and signs for parents to look for (very informational). The article produces treatments for depression and research that has been done of these types of treatments and medicines. As an added bonus it also gives referrals and citations that could be used for more information

• Identify and attempt to explain three (3) terms, procedures or concepts that were unfamiliar to you when reviewing this article.
Efficacious- according to the dictionary it means having the power to produce a desired affect
Dysthymic disorder-depressed of irritable mood for most of the day
Dysphoric-unpleasant mood

• Detail the strengths/weaknesses of this article.
Strengths: the article is very informational, it gives anyone a lot of details and descriptions that could help diagnose and help children receive the care needed.
Weaknesses: it sounds as if a lot of the research doesn't have a lot of results due to limited testing. The article also uses a lot of words that would be unfamiliar. The amount of information giving may also be overwhelming to some. This article also places parents in a odd situation on whether to let their children follow treatments.

• How might this article be useful to you in your further studies and career?
Honestly as a X-ray Tech I don't think that this information would affect me directly besides knowing the medical terminology of the medicine or diagnosis. As far as studies, this article could help me relate to children and understand some of the problems they are facing. Work in the health field involves communication with a lot of different people and being able to understand why a person may act in a certain way makes it a lot easier to treat the patient.

• Does the article include a list of references/citations that can be used to find more information on the topics they cover?
Yes, this article includes referrals and citations that could be used

Your Name: ___Cagney Bailey____________ Date: _02_____/_10_____/_08____

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